Saturday, January 23, 2010

Worth the Watch?

Welcome to my first movie review for this blog. Come to think of it, I think this is my first movie review ever. I am afraid that my review might come off as me just rambling. If that's the case, then I am sorry. But, please know that I have lots of ideas and things to say, I am just not the best at putting them on paper (or in this case, on computer). Hope you still enjoy what I have to say.

Now, you need to know, as the reader, that my movie reviews (as well as music, etc) are not always going to be for current movies. It will be for whatever movie I have recently watched, new or old. Today's move review is for "The Break-up".

Movie: The Break-up

Director: Peyton Reed

Released: June 2006

Plot: In a bid to keep their luxurious condo from their significant other, a couple's break-up proceeds to get uglier and nastier by the moment.

Cast: Vince Vaughn, Jennifer Anniston, Jon Favreau, Jason Bateman, Justin Long, Vincent D'Onofrio

Rating: PG-13

Let me go ahead and say that my biggest pet peeve with this movie was the use of the Lord's name in vain. "G-- D---" is said two or three times within the first ten minutes of the movie. As a Christian, that is enough to take me out of the movie watching experience right off the bat. There
was also some crass dialogue as well as a couple of bare butt shots (one male, one female), as well as a scene involving strip poker (no nudity there, but you can imaging what we do see).

Other than the above negative content, this movie was alright. Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Anniston make for a good pair, Vaughn being the funnier of the two. The movie is rounded out with a good supporting cast. Jon Favreau was probably my favorite character in this movie. He and Vaughn have starred beside each other a number of times and it shows. The scenes between them feel almost unscripted, which works, actually. Justin Long is pretty funny as the very effeminate receptionist and Vincent D'Onofrio is solid, as usual.

Another thing I liked about this movie is that it's ending was realistic. The once happy couple do not end up back together like they would in most films. They actually go their separate ways. Its kind of sad, but hey, real life is sad.

Now, despite the negative content, I think there is a lot we can take from this movie. The break-up in this movie is a result of, in my opinion, selfishness. (And just let me say that the couple was living together without being married, which can lead to all kinds of problems) Its the very common act of not wanting to put the other's needs before your own. Vaughn's character, Gary, doesn't want to do a simple task for his live-in girlfriend, Brooke, (Anniston) which of course leads to a dispute about how he doesn't help enough, and of course the ultimate break-up. Neither one moves out of the apartment in hopes that the other will apologize/move out first. Of course, that never happens and the apartment eventually sales, sending the two of them their separate ways. Gary does try to turn things around before the end, but it is too little too late.

What did I, what can we, take from this film? Well, I think it shows us all how important communication is. On the night of their big fight, Gary just leaves the apartment, instead of talking about things. Now, I can't promise that everything would have been fine between Gary and Brooke had they talked about things earlier on. (I guess we wouldn't have a movie then). But, they could have avoided a lot of hurt. Also, Gary and Brooke were not, in any way, putting the other first. And that is the only way for a relationship to survive. Put the other person before yourself. Again, I liked that the movie ended the way it did. I think the break-up and the things that went with it (i.e. hurt, anger, frustration) were the consequence of a break-down (ah, see what I did there) in communication. I felt bad for the characters, but through their mistakes, I think I learned something. I hope that I always communicate with Kat (my fiance') and always put her needs before mine.

Well, is "The Break-up" worth the watch?
Take away the language and some crudity, and I would say you have yourself a pretty good "stay at home" date movie.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hope The Two of You Enjoy This

Well, I had this great idea for Top Ten on Thursday, which was gonna be a weekly segment. But, then I lost the post. Oh well, guess it will be Top Ten on Tuesday (I wanted a "T" theme). I guess this video will have to do.

Top Ten Tuesday

I think I am going to try to make Top Ten Tuesday a weekly thing. Don't hate on me if I miss a few. I am a busy guy. This thing right here ain't the only thing I got going on.

Anywho, Tonight's Top Ten: The Top Ten Things I Would Rather Do Than Be an Actor

(Keep in mind these are in no specific order. Sometimes the Top Ten will be, but not tonight)

1) Professional Bull Rider - I have always thought that professional bull riders were the pure definition of tough. It has to got to be a thrill to ride something that could very well kill you as soon as you are done. What a rush! Plus, as a professional you have the opportunity to bring in at least 100,000/yr.

3) Cinematographer- Before I went into acting, I thought about going into film making. But, not as a director, as a cinematographer. Sometimes when I go to the movies, I have to make myself pay attention to what is going on in the story or I will miss it because I am too focused on the cinematography. I will be thinking, "oooh that's a nice shot. I like how they did that there" and then suddenly realize that I have not been paying attention to the dialogue and now I have no idea whats going on. The average pay for a cinematographer in 2006 was between 26,000 and 60,000.

4) Stunt Man- I use to jump off things all the time. I played outside all the time when I was a kid. I was quite wild and was all over the place. I would climb trees, roll on the ground, and do the other crazy outdoor kid stuff. I had tons of energy. I remember jumping off this tree stump and rolling on the ground. My mom said, "you should be a stunt man". I remember thinking, "that's a job." It is indeed a job. The average stunt man (or stunt woman) makes about 5,000 to 70,000/yr.

5) Highschool Teacher- My mom is a teacher, and for a time, my father was also. I just think that teachers really do have a large effect on the life of children/teens. I don't really have a preference for what I would want to teach, but I think I would like to teach History. I know the relationships between teacher and students are not as sentimental as shows like Boy Meets World would have you believe, but I have always wanted to leave an impression on those younger than me. I think teaching would be a way to do that. Teachers make from 30,000 to 50,000 a year.

6) Stunt Driver- Man, how cool would it be to be the stunt driver for movies. You get to drive cars as fast as they can go or wreck them on purpose. I just think it is great that stunt driving is an actual job, haha. Salary is usually based upon experience and the film/project budget, but stunt drivers can make about 6 digits a year.

7) Professional Photographer- I have loved photography ever since I was a kid. I was always asking my mom and dad for a new camera. I loved taking photos. Sadly, I know little about the actual "science" of photography. I should have taken a class in college, but I never got around to it. I would love to own my own studio, and see my photos in popular magazines or books. Depending in what kind of photography they do, one could earn between 14,000 to 50,000 a year.

8) Musician- I love music. All kinds. I also like to play it to sold out crowds. I have always thought it would be cool to travel the country playing gigs here and there. I would play anywhere that would have me. It has to be a rush to play music in front of 50,000 people. It is a given that if you make it big, a professional musician (aka "rockstars") can make up to 50,000 or more. Of course, you have to make it big. Most never do.

9) Mascot- Ok, so its a little like acting. But, not quite. I think it would be cool to dress in a funny looking costume and entertain the crowds at a local sporting event. The theatre I work for has a mascot for the children's theatre, but I am too tall to wear the costume. Sad day. Depending on experience,and which team they are affiliated with, some mascots can make 30,000 a year. But, keep in mind that is for professional sports teams.

10) Video Game Tester- What could be more fun than playing video games all day. And if there is something you don't like about a game, you can make suggestions that a designer change it. Of course, its not all fun and games, but hey, no job is flawless. Game testers make an average of 30,000 a year.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Everyone Else Was Doing It

Guess I am starting one of these things too.

My first idea was to do a blog of Top 10's. But then I decided that I have more to talk about than just the top ten things I did over the year, or what ten video games have left an impression since childhood (which will be a post, trust me).

So, I bring you In My Opinion. Just my thoughts about things. I hope to cover movies, music, books, books that have been turned into name it! (that could be an idea there. Readers name a topic and I give my opinion).

I hope to do weekly/monthly things like upcoming movies I am excited about, book reviews, Top Tens, Do's and Don'ts, CD reviews, Etc. And just basically ramble about my life.

Thanks for starting this journey with me. The layout may change as I get use to the site, but the thoughts will always be original.

But, hey, that's just my opinion.